


We have developed innovative projects based on the most modern technologies combining multiple tools, applications with multi-functional wallets, secure networks for information transfer from the time every household scans the products discarded every day until they are received by our central platform which processes all. This information is received from various places, whether cities, countries, or these specific regions, using GPS location technology, plus artificial intelligence to classify the information quickly and securely, and then transferred to our clients who will be the companies that will receive important data allows them to make decisions, knowing the final factors in the chain of production, distribution and consumption, which are the same consumers in each household. For this invaluable information,


The Wasteinfonet company, which has a business model completely different from anything else, is taking on this challenge through its experts, leveraging several years of experience in the industry and the local community. Founded in 2019, by PhD Federico Fornicoia with a multidisciplinary team from several different cultures, bringing together the best value-added IT software and services, Wasteinfonet is strategically positioned in a different approach for global companies and cities (cities).


1. The Power of Waste Information

Information that trash carries tremendous power and with a wide variety of uses to make decisions involving millions of people. There are real situations where companies interact with their customers basically by offering and selling their products, but they don't know the exact user of the end consumer. These companies are in different categories, but highlight everything that involves food, safety and hygiene in the home and this constitutes 90% of the total waste we throw away on a daily basis. There are also other residues, but their frequency is minimal, such as light bulbs, glue, worn cloth, cooked food scraps, cosmetic cream jars, etc. The power of the trash that our team brings to you is transforming the scattered data,

2. Token Utility (WIF)

Our token has a fundamental use, as a vehicle of interconnection between the circuits in which it is produced and the place where the information arrives. Internally, the team believes that tokens are never as useful as ours, and this is because many crypto projects are looking for a use for their tokens, without owning them and somehow making it up for investors to tell which is utility. symbolic. Our (WIF) tokens move in different ways, these are the means of payment to information producers, the means of payment we receive from companies that receive this information, the way investors trust us and store it, and the way we see our market capitalization increase strongly in the near future .

4. The Methods Developed For Information Generation

Some old projects used a manual registration system for different waste classifications at home, then these forms were submitted using a special model designed by the informant, which implied very difficult, difficult, imprecise and late work. Then with the new technologies we've combined, we add accuracy, speed, precision, security and a variety of utilities, to a classification and processing platform. Ultimately we achieved quality, new information, and accuracy by replacing old surveys that were unreliable and not useful information. Our international barcode (barcode) scanning system, transferring the network from 4G 5G phones to our platform with artificial intelligence and instant processing to be sent electronically to our clients, makes us a leader.


Currently, on average, every resident in the world stores 1.5 kilograms of waste every day, this waste is generated with a variability of between 0.70 kilograms to 2 kilograms per day depending on each country, but not only is it useless for this waste, if not only are there recycling plants, but no company like us focuses on the value of what we throw away and the great information we dispose of with our waste. Until now, we have done this daily activity as just one more activity at home.


Wasteinfonet, developed a truly innovative and revolutionary method that will allow the waste that every inhabitant of the world generates every day is converted into useful information for making important decisions that will add a lot of value to production companies, creating new, accurate channels. information that far exceeds all types of surveys, projections, estimates. This makes us the undisputed leader in new markets as creators of new markets and, most importantly, finding uses for activities such as disposing of waste, which are always done automatically as other household chores.


Our business model is focused on sources for basic information that is disposed of on a daily basis around the world, getting it from sources that are absolutely correct and accurate such as trash cans from every home, wherever they are. So it is converted into very useful information so that the client company can make important decisions, not based on projections, or estimates only if not with real, safe, precise and valuable information, eliminating the uncertainty that results in high levels of deviation from decision-making - making with up to date information. . Our business model started with this company, but our planning framework is to transform this business base into a structure for integrating future projects that will enable us not only to grow, but to continue to innovate and revolutionize the world of information creation.


Even though our project is not oriented towards waste recycling and the big problem that implies it worldwide, with all the costs it incurs for every country and the future problems implied due to the fact that waste has projections to occupy a large part of the planet, in addition to all the pollution problems in rivers, seas and cities. We have decided to make a contribution through "Donation". give all of our information to non-profit environmental-conscious entities, because we consider it our duty and social responsibility to help fight pollution.

We will transfer to public welfare agencies, government entities and environmental organizations, information that will help us live in a better world. This information will basically be reprocessed into plastic, cardboard, glass and complex materials waste. This reprocessing will be carried out "for free" so that they can find out the waste and types of waste in each area, as well as the amount and characteristics of it. We believe that monetizing our business model is our big challenge, but on the other hand, preserving the environment by providing valuable information to those who are struggling and working to live in a better and less polluted world is also part of us.

Start Making Money Smart - Work With Us.


Our database of consumers who actively participate in working with us in the information chain and management, will also receive prizes in cryptocurrency tokens (WIF) and / or if they fail, direct payments according to their geographic area, loyalty bonuses, these bonuses will require a task that is very simple, only every consumer in the house has to scan the barcode of the consumed products that are discarded every day, for this they will receive a monthly Bonus which will be credited to each wallet.


Token distribution is something that the team specifically evaluates very carefully to achieve the best possible equation for investors and the Project. Prioritizing that projects have sustainability, balance and solvency to generate income that will later benefit cryptographic investors in a much safer way, which we define as "partners" and as simple investors.


WIF - The WasteInfonet platform is an ERC-20 token,

  • The price of the WIF Token will be set on Ethereum.
  • The total issued WIF Tokens are 100,000,000.
  • Total Hardcap will be determined.
  • Total Softcap will be determined.





Along with lower fees and faster transaction times, Ethereum has become the chain of choice for centralized and decentralized stablecoins. The token used is ERC-20 from the Ethereum Blockchain. 

Total Uniswap Listing & Token sales (seed sales / personal sales or main sales) 60%

  • Tim: 15%
  • Marketing & Bounty: 15%
  • Estimated cost of Protocol: 10%

The use of the funds raised after the token sale will have the following purposes:

  • 60%: will be used to provide liquidity at Uniswap
  • 15%: will build WasteInfonet Platform and Connectivity, including salary, software programming, hardware.
  • 10%: will be used for marketing campaigns, including salaries, promotions and expenses.
  • 10%: will be used to pay for Legal Advisors, Taxes and Business Consultants.
  • The remaining 5%: will be used to pay fees and registration in various cities.

Utility Tokens (WIF)
Our tokens have a fundamental use, as an interconnection vehicle between the circuits from which they are produced to where the information arrives. Internally, the team believes that tokens are never as useful as ours, and this is because many crypto projects are looking to use their tokens, without owning them and somehow making it up for investors to tell which ones are utility. symbolic. Our (WIF) tokens move in different ways, these are the means of payment to information producers, the means of payment we receive from companies that receive this information, the way investors trust us and store it, and the way we see our market capitalization increase strongly in the near future .
Methods Developed For Information Generation
Some old projects used a manual registration system for different waste classifications at home, then these forms were submitted using a special model designed by the informant, which implied very difficult, difficult, imprecise and late work. Then with the new technologies we've combined, we add accuracy, speed, precision, security and a variety of utilities, to a classification and processing platform. Ultimately we achieved quality, new information, and accuracy by replacing old surveys that were unreliable and not useful information. Our international barcode (barcode) scanning system, transfers the network from 4G 5G mobile phones to our platform with artificial intelligence and instant processing to be sent electronically to our clients,

Wasteinfonet Road Map: 

K1 2020 Some Research in many countries and cities, the development of our business models.

K2 2020 Countries selected to launch the first phase, regional and qualitative research.

K3 2020 Contact with different fonts to create our ecosystem.

K4 2020 Legal and Marketing Analysis for project launch.

K1 2021 Token Sale, Listing on Exchanges, Beta version for selected country groups using our application, android and platform.

K2 2021 Launched Mainnet including more countries, new partnerships.

OSH 2021 More countries are added to our business, reinvesting of our money income streams.

K4 2021 A special bonus program for investors and working to increase income over time, adding new branches in the business to optimize waste collection.

K1 2022 The new business adds an IoT (Internet of Things) Sensor capable of detecting the fill ratio and weight of each tray; optimization of waste collection, optimized truck routes based on the weight and level of container contents and traffic, including control in waste delivery.


Wasteinfonet, developed a truly innovative and revolutionary method that will
allow the waste that every inhabitant of the world generates every day is
converted into useful information for making important decisions that
will add a lot of value to production companies, creating new,
accurate channels information that far exceeds all types of surveys, projections, estimates.
This makes us the undisputed leader in new markets as creators of new markets and, most importantly
, finding uses for activities such as disposing of waste, which are always
done automatically as other household chores.

More information about Wasteinfonet:
Website:  https://wasteinfonet.com/
Medium: https://wasteinfonet.medium.com/
Whitepaper:  https://wasteinfonet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/WHITEPAPER -WASTEINFONET-PDF-FILE..pdf
Twitter:  https://twitter.com/WasteInfonet
Telegram:  https://t.me/wasteinfonet1

Username: Bambangfamungkas
Link:    https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3122436


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