MetaStocks is a crypto GAMING token created with Anti-Dump Mechanism to protect you from crashes Introducing METASTOCKS MetaStocks is a crypto GAMING token built with an Anti-Dump Mechanism to protect you from crashes that disrupt small scale projects while still providing you with a super high daily compound interest rate of between 1% and 3%. Metastocks is a business management game where players take on the role of the CEO of a company. The game starts when you create a company, and players can build as many companies as they want. Each company (node) pays divided (prize). Nodes are simply collections of data points that reward users for their creation and use. Each node generates a pre-determined number of coins/tokens. Each token can be used to create more nodes, which increases the daily reward, or they can be sold on the open market in exchange for the underlying liquidity pair coin. Fixed Daily Compounding — between 1% and 3%. You can franchis...